web design

June 26, 2020

“Working Lunch” Webinar Series – Topic: Top 5 Ways to Boost Conversions with an Effective Hero Image on Your Homepage

Site visitors form an opinion about your website in as little as 50 milliseconds. That’s faster than the blink of an eye. What’s more, the first thing site visitors see when they land on your homepage is the large rectangular area in the top half to two-thirds of their screens. Not only is it the first thing they see, it’s where viewers focus roughly 80% of their attention. This area represents your make-or-break opportunity to either captivate your visitors' attention in an instant, or let them wander off elsewhere on the Web. What you feature in this space is the most decisive factor on your entire website for successful engagement and conversion. Hence the name “hero image” for the all-important picture you display in this position.
June 16, 2020

Top 5 Ways to Boost Conversions with an Effective Hero Image on Your Homepage

Site visitors form an opinion about your website in as little as 50 milliseconds. That’s literally faster than the blink of an eye. What’s more, in one study of website credibility, 94% of the reasons web users gave for mistrusting a website were related to design. It’s clear first impressions are critical, and with so little time to make yours count, it’s crucial you get your website design right. When the success of your business depends on how efficiently you engage new visitors and nurture them into clients, your homepage design needs to be 100% optimized for conversion. The first thing site visitors see when they land on your homepage is the large rectangular area in the top half to two-thirds of their screens. Not only is it the first thing they see, it’s where users focus roughly 80% of their attention. This area represents your make-or-break opportunity to either captivate your visitor’s attention in an instant, or let them wander off elsewhere on the Web.
May 29, 2020

Top 5 Ways to Create an Effective Website Design

Steve Jobs famously said “Design is not just what it looks and feels like. Design is how it works.” That's true of the hardware products Jobs brought to market over the course of his remarkable career, and it's true for your website. More than any other factor, the success of your website comes down to usability and utility, not simply visual design. Nothing happens on your site until a visitor takes some kind of action. You could create the most visually stunning and attractive home page in the world. But if users don't click through to the next article, request a white paper or consultation, sign up for a newsletter, or in some way engage with your brand and ultimately identify themselves to you, your business won't grow by a single new customer.